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Under investigation for indecent images or other sexual offences? Our service are always one-to-one, compassionate and non-judgemental.

Initial Consultation (£60)

An hour
 to gain information, advice and emotional support. An essential step before accessing our other services. 
To book a consultation call 0800 043 5987, email,
WhatsApp or text 0747 668 3012.

Transitions Programme

A 6-8 session programme for young people aged 16-22, or older if appropriate.

Click here to read more about the Transitions Programme.

Family & Partner Consultation

Standalone consultations at £70 to gain 
emotional support and a better understanding of the
 of 'the knock' for family members.

Click here to read more about our partner and family work.

Safer Lives Programme

Five-session programme for adults under investigation. Providing emotional support, insight, and information  

Click here to read more about the Safer Lives Programme. 

Professionals Programme

A variation of the Safer Lives Programme for people in registered or chartered occupations facing potential striking-off. 

Click here read more our Professional Programme.

For information on other support organisations, including Stop it Now! Lucy Faithfull Foundation, Stopso, Samaritans, SAA and help with pornography addiction, please click here. 

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